\documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{pgf, tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes, chains, calc, arrows, positioning} \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[% >=triangle 60, start chain=going below, node distance=6mm and 60mm, every join/.style={norm}, ] \tikzset{ base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex}, zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em}, ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em}, term/.style={zbox, rounded corners}, norm/.style={->, draw}, coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}} \node [zbox] (z1) {\verb"R0 <- 13"}; \node [above=0mm of z1, text width=8em] {$Z_{1}$}; \node [zbox] (z2) {\verb"R1 <- R0 <| 8"}; \node [above=0mm of z2, text width=8em] {$Z_{2}$}; \draw [->] (z1) -- (z2); \node [zbox] (z3) {\verb"R2 <- R1 --"}; \node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {$Z_{3}$}; \draw [->] (z2) -- (z3); \node [ebox] (z4) {\verb"R2 == 17"}; \node [above=0mm of z4, text width=8em] {$Z_{4}$}; \draw [->] (z3) -- (z4); \node [zbox, below=of z4.west, yshift=-4em] (z5) {\verb"R3 <- R2 - R1"}; \node [above=0mm of z5, text width=8em] {$Z_{5}$}; \draw [->] (z4.west) -- (z5); \node [zbox] (z6) {\verb"R0 <- R3 not R1"}; \node [above=0mm of z6, text width=8em] {$Z_{6}$}; \draw [->] (z5) -- (z6); \node [zbox] (z7) {\verb"R1 <- R0 + R0"}; \node [above=0mm of z7, text width=8em] {$Z_{7}$}; \draw [->] (z6) -- (z7); \draw [->] (z4.east) |- (z1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{document} |